Sermon Outline Books By Jeff Asher

Moving Forward is a five part series designed for use at the beginning of the year or some other time when renewal and recommittment are a paramount theme in the preaching. The series deal with challenges to face, enemies to defeat and oportunities to take as well as other themes. This series has been used by the author with good results in at least three different local church settings (PDF file size: 668k).

Sermons For Young People. Preaching to and about young people is often neglected in the pulpit. The Bible has many lessons and even entire books addressed to the young. Some of our most admired heroes from the Bible were in their youth when when they demonstrated greatness, zeal and spirituality. Sadly, some of the most wicked were among the young as well. This popular sermon series about young people and for young people has been expanded to seventeen lessons, including the title sermon: I Want My Kids to Know, plus Jesus, an Example for Youth, Seven Bible Drunkards, Young People that Pleased God and 13 more (PDF file size: 1MB).

The Wonders Of Calvary is a seven part series on the unusual signs and miracles that surrounded Jesus during His betrayal, arrest, trial and crucifixion. These are rarely discussed in the commentaries and few have preached about them from this perspective. The author considers the angelic visitation, the mob being thrown to the ground, the torn Temple veil, the earthquake and three other wonders. An excellent series for emphasizing the facts of the Gospel and presenting evidences in favor of Jesus of Nazareth as the Son of God (PDF file size: 385k).sermons that save

Gospel Sermons That Save Souls, seven full sermon outlines that are suitable for Gospel Meetings or local evangelistic work. These sermons have been used by the author over the last 25 years and have proved effective in reaching souls steeped in the ways of the world and confused by the errors of denominationalism. Each outline is thorough in its examination of text and themes (PDF file size: 556k).

What I Want My Children To Know contains the title sermon and ten other sermon outlines directed toward families with children and young adults. These sermons whether preached from the pulpit, studied as a class or used for private encouragement should be helpful to Christian families struggling with the challenges of our world (PDF file size: 468k).

god isGod Is... Whether or not we believe God exists determines our conduct before Him. The man who denies the existence of Deity is not concerned with pleasing Him, neither does he fear displeasing Him. The lessons in "God Is..." are designed to call us to a practical consideration of God's attributes and character in order to instill in us not only faith in His existence, but confidence in His willingness to save and readiness to judge. Through this study men will hopefully imbibe more of the divine nature and prepare themselves to meet their Maker and Redeemer at the gates of Eternity. Thirteen full outlines in 66 pages (PDF file size: 249k).

The Dreams And Visions Of The Prophet Daniel, a series of seven detailed sermon outlines on the visions of the prophet Daniel. These outlines can also be used in a class setting. Includes several charts in a 58 page book (PDF file size: 440k).

Myths Of Adventism. These outlines were originally prepared for presentation in Corozal, Belize, C.A. in March of 1998. The material was used to arouse interest among the local SDA groups and resulted in a three night debate with George Rajon on the subject of the Sabbath. In the notes there is extensive footnoting to reference materials which demonstrate that Ellen White was no prophet and that the religious movement she founded is not of Christ (PDF file size: 562k).

questions about faithQuestions About Faith. A sermon outline directed at answering the most common questions asked about one of the most important of Bible subjects. Learn the importance, source, character, nature and saving efficacy of faith (PDF file size: 152k).

2002 Lectureship Book. Twenty-four full outlines covering the theme For Christ & the Church by Ed Dye, A.W. Goff and Elmer Moore. Each of these men contributed eight outlines for the making of this book (99 pages). There are six outlines each on the four theme topics: Ephesians: The Church the Manifold Wisdom of God, God’s Holy Temple: The Work, Worship and Organization of the Church, What Is the Church of Christ?, and For Christ and the Church. This lectureship brought together three men whose combined preaching experience exceeds 150 years. These outlines reflect the depth of their knowledge of the Word and an approach to preaching that fast being lost among Churches of Christ (PDF file size: 376k).

2001 Lectureship Book. Twenty-four full outlines covering the theme The Gospel by which We Are Saved by A.W. Goff, Wayne Goff and David Goff. Each of these men contributed eight outlines for the making of this book (69 pages). There are six outlines each on Galatians: The Gospel of Our Liberty, What the Church Needs to Succeed in the 21st Century, The Gospel of Jesus Christ (A study of 1 Corinthians 15:1-5) and The Essentials of Our Salvation. This lectureship was unique in that it was the first time that this father and his sons had worked together in preaching the Gospel. These studies provide a wonderful insight into the subject matter and the outlines should be helpful to any preacher or Bible student in a better understanding of the texts and subjects considered (PDF file size: 520k).

12 Reasons Why Baptism Is Not Essential For Salvation. A series of radio addresses directed at answering twelve objections raised by a Baptist Preacher to the Bible doctrine concerning baptism “for the remission of sins” as taught in Acts 2:38 and other New Testament texts. These sermons were delivered by Jeff Asher over KGAS 1590AM on the Words of Life Broadcast sponsored by the Northside Church of Christ in Carthage, Texas (PDF file size: 476k).