Mary: The Mother of My Lord

Text: Luke 1:43


1. Because of the errors of Catholicism that surround Mary, we seem to shy away from teaching about her.

2. Yet, her life is filled with rich, valuable lessons for us.

I. Her Virginity

A. When we first meet Mary in Scripture, she is a virgin. (Luke 1:27) B. Virgin defined.

1. One who has never had sexual relations.

2. A pure and chaste person in relation to sexuality. C. She was a betrothed—espoused, engaged—virgin.

1. By Jewish law she was already considered a wife for she had been promised to Joseph.

2. Joseph is called her husband, she his wife. (Matt. 1:19-20)

3. The purity of virginity and the honor of marriage are both seen in her. (Heb. 13:4)

D. After the birth of Jesus, she became the wife of Joseph in the complete sense of the term.

1. Contrary to Catholic doctrine, she was not a perpetual virgin.

2. Joseph “did not know her till she had brought forth her firstborn son.” (Matt. 1:25)

a. When they arrived in Bethlehem prior to Jesus’ birth, she was still his betrothed wife. (Luke 2:5)

b. After the birth of Jesus, the full husband/wife relationship existed for at least four sons and two daughters were born to them. (Matt. 13:55-56)

II. Her Place in God’s Plan

A. Mary was chosen for a special act: to be the mother of the Lord. 1. It was a favor that God bestowed upon her. (Luke 1:28, 30)

2. This shows her to be a recipient of blessings not one to whom a person is to pray for her to bestow blessings upon him.

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B. She was “blessed among women.” (Luke 1:28, 42)

1. One of a woman’s greatest earthly blessings is in her children. (Prov. 31:28-31)

2. Her firstborn was not only a blessing to her but to all who will hear, believe and come to Him. (Luke 11:27-28)

C. She knew her role was one of subjection.

1. She is never shown as being in control of or making decisions for Jesus. a. During the infancy of Jesus, God, as revealed in Scripture, dealt

entirely with Joseph. God sends him to Egypt, calls him out of Egypt and then directs him where to live. (Matt. 2:13-22)

b. When Jesus is twelve and has caused her grief by remaining in Jerusalem, she shows a submissive spirit. (Luke 2:42-51)

c. At the wedding feast in Cana of Galilee, she makes a veiled suggestion but can only say, “Whatever He says to you, do it.” (John 2:1-12)

d. Jesus denies her any special favor or place in His kingdom. (Mark 3:31-35)

The spiritual relationship is greater than any physical relationship. (Matt. 10:37-38)

2. At His death Jesus makes provision for her care. (John 19:25-27)

a. He acknowledges her by saying, “Woman, behold your son!” (26) b. He entrusts her to the care of the apostle John and we know he

carried out that responsibility because the last mention of Mary in Scripture is when she is seen with John in Jerusalem. (Acts 1:14)

III. Characteristics of Mary to Be Imitated A. Her purity and virtuosity.

1. The Lord expects, respects and honors this in a person.

2. The Lord commands it of all who would follow Him. (1 John 3:1-3; Phil. 4:8-9)

B. Her humble faith.

1. Humility. In response to the angel’s announcement to her that she would give birth to the Son of God (Luke 1:38):

a. She identified herself as “maidservant of the Lord” (ASV: “handmaid,” footnote in ASV” “bondmaid”).

b. She responded by saying, “Let it be to me according to your word.” 2. Faith.

a. Elizabeth, her relative who was the mother of John the Baptist, calls her, “she who believed.”

b. She did not always understand, yet she believed. (See Luke 2:50-51)

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C. Her true and patient submission.

1. To her husband—as all wives are to be in subjection to their husbands. (Eph. 5:22-24)

2. To the will of God. (Luke 1:38)

D. A heart filled with heavenly things. (Luke 2:51)

1. An angel told her Jesus would be great, the Son of the Highest, have the throne of David, and reign over the house of Jacob and a kingdom that would never end. (Luke 1:32-33)

2. She kept her heart filled with these good things from above as should all Christians. (Phil. 4:8)


1. Mary is a great woman.

2. She was favored by God because God knew what she was and what she would be. 3. Let all women, and men, strive to be as Mary.

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