Five Essentials for the Lord’s Work
1. What would you cite as the greatest problem in congregations today?
a. Moral problems? Institutional issues? Marriage, divorce, remarriage problems? b. The list could probably be endless.
2. One of the greatest problems is a lack of work.
a. Christians are created in Christ for them. (Eph. 2:10) b. Disciples are to be zealous for them. (Titus 2:14)
3. Many times the Lord’s work is not accomplished because the saints do not possess the proper attitudes to accomplish it.
a. What are those attitudes?
b. This lesson will seek to list and explain some of them.
I. A Powerful Faith
A. If one believes nothing, he will do nothing.
1. If we do not think we can do something, we are not going to try it.
2. The example of the spies sent by Moses to spy out Canaan. (Num. 13:17ff; 14:11-12)
B. With faith “all things are possible.” (Matt. 17:14-21)
C. No works = no faith. (Jas. 2:14ff) Conversely, no faith = no works.
II. A Joyful Heart (Philippians 4:4)
A. We should not be despondent and down-hearted.
B. We have so many good things for which to be thankful. 1. We are the children of God. (1 John 3:1-3)
2. We have all spiritual blessings. (Eph. 1:3)
3. We will receive the crown of life. (2 Tim. 4:7-8)
III. A Continual Reliance on Prayer
A. The prayer of the righteous avails much. (Jas. 5:16ff; Matt. 21:18-22)
B. People who are not interested enough to pray are not interested enough to work. C. We know that:
1. God answers prayer. (Matt. 7:7-11) 2. Prayer changes things.
a. We should pray to the one who can change them.
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b. We should pray about things that can be changed.
c. If God does not see fit to change things, we should pray that our desires may change to conform to His.
d. We must never give up our desire to make things change for the better by our prayers.
IV. A Personal Love
A. We must have a love for the Lord. (John 14:23-24; cf. 1 John 5:3; 2:4)
B. We must possess a love for the brethren. (Heb. 13:1; 1 John 4:20-21; Heb. 10:24-25) 1. To function collectively there must be love and unity. (1 Cor. 1:10; Phil.
2. Some would rather “bite and devour” others. (Gal. 5:15) C. We must show a love for the lost.
1. Consider Luke 19:10.
2. Heaven’s attitude is seen in Luke 15:1-7.
D. If you do not have love you will not care but then it really does not matter. (1 Cor. 13:1-3)
V. A Persistent Effort
A. Persistency of effort is the secret of success. (Luke 18:1-8) B. Application:
1. Noah took 120 years to build the ark.
2. The example of the apostle Paul. (Phil. 3:12-15)
C. We are to be living a life of service. (Rom. 12:1-2; 1 Cor. 15:58) D. We must not be discouraged by lack of results.
1. The Lord judges, not on results, but on effort.
2. We will not be condemned for a lack of results but will be for a lack of effort.
1. Every disciple needs to possess each of these attitudes.
2. If the work of the Lord is going to be accomplished, it will be by those who are loving, joyful, faithful, prayerful and persistent.
3. Do you have what it takes to work for the Lord?
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